Watch out! There is a new threat to your inheritance.
Old people on saga holidays could become the victims of young buxom gold-diggers as of 2008. The Single Equality Bill to be published in June 2007 may end all forms of age discrimination including overseas cruises and coach tours for the over-50s. Fears are rife that the grey brigade may be inundated with youngsters in their 40s trying to woo oldies through holiday romances in Scunthorpe and Totness.
Despite concern that zimmer frames will soon become in short supply, the Department for Communities and Local Government have said that a common sense approach would be taken when they remember where they left it.
Also in the news this week is that Paris Hilton has begun a petition to escape her 45 day prison sentence. One Guardian reader suggested she be renamed Bangkok Hilton. If her petition works, and Californian judges can be swayed by public opinion, Corporate Blawg will start a petition that judges wigs should be blue and purple rinses.
Corporate Blueg is still on holiday and will return when he has detached himself from the loving embrace of NHS law.
Corporate Papawg has had no fatherhood frights in the last week, and is contentedly working his way through his 2000 A.D. collection, in a mid-life crises but-not-really since I'm-nearly-30 kind-of-way.
good posting.i like it. thank u. :)-">bathmate
Posted by: bathmateus | 19 December 2009 at 04:31 PM
very good posting,i liked it.
thank you for this post.
Posted by: Web Royalty | 04 January 2010 at 05:52 PM